Wednesday, November 18, 2009

pakistan under terrorrism

Pakistan most cities are under terrorrist activities.Due to these terrorrist activities we have to fcae loss in economy and loss of precious lives on the other hand.There is not a single day in which there is not a attack in Pakistan.The question here is what these terrorrist want to get by doing all these terrorist activities in Pakistan?The involovement of neighbouring ciountries cannot be ignored any way.Actually there are certian proofs found by the Government about the involvement of the other countries.They want to destabilize Pakistan.Specially India bcause since the day Pakistan came into existance they are not happy,they not want to see Pakistan on the world map at all.From the summer 2007 to 2008 1500 civilians were killed in terrorrist activities.In Pakistan diferent agencies such as RAW are involved.On the other hand Talibans are doing various activities in Pakistan.They say that they are doing all this for Islamic laws.But No one thinks Islam is against killing innocent people.They actually train people how to do the terrorist activities. Most of the terrorrist got training in Afghanistan tribal areas.Madrassas are also used to give them training where actually they wash out the brain of the 17-20 years boys.Here they actually provide them with Jahadi litreture and CDs which make there brain wash.They are actually told that the are doing nothing wrong,by doing all this they will be able to get the place in the heaven.Pakistan Government is taking severe actions to stop all these terrorrist activities as possible.(zeeshan ali)

Pakistan Goverment

One of the biggest problems in controlling terrorism in Pakistan is because of the question in the mind of the people. Is Pakistan facing these terrorist activities because of the American presence in Afghanistan or because of the tolerance shown for long period of time by the government? Terrorism in this part of world started after the involvement of western troops in this part. The actions taken by the government of Pakistan are considered to be controversial. Some of the political parties consider the action taken by the government against the militant as un ethical and wrong decision. But when the government negotiated with militants in Swat they take advantage of the process and again challenged Rit of government. During the current year 2009 terrorist activities have increased and analysist considered it as a result of government action in Waziristan.
By: M.shehroz

Wednesday, November 11, 2009